FAQs About Slow Feed Dog Bowls

(Q) What are the risk factors for bloat (GDV)?


  1. High risk age group (large dogs and older than 5 years or ‘giant’ dogs and older than 3 years)
  2. Deep, narrow chest compared with other dogs in the same breed
  3. Having any first degree relative with history of GDV
  4. Using a raised food bowl
  5. Being a faster eater compared with other dogs

To reduce the risks, that owners can control, we recommend to split feeding (morning and evening meals), and use Suzzyipl bowls on the ground.

Your dog may be a particular breed that is most at risk for bloat. Read our list of top dog breeds most at risk for bloat (GDV).
(Q) What is GDV or Bloat?
(A) This is a term that is synonymous with the more scientific term “Gastric Dilatation/Volvulus”. It is often called GDV. That means that a dog’s stomach distends with air to the point that it goes into shock and may die.
Dilatation means that the stomach is distended with air, but it is located in the abdomen in its correct place. Volvulus means that the distention is associated with a twisting of the stomach on its longitudinal axis.
(Q) What other problems come from dogs eating too fast?
(A) Some problems with eating too fast: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/woof/questions/question_02.html
Dogs vomit occasionally, for several reasons. If a dog feels a little queasy, she can voluntarily vomit to relieve the irritation. In fact, occasionally a dog will eat a huge meal, vomit it up, and eat it again. Veterinarians don’t know why dogs do this – but perhaps this is a cure to deal with the problem of their eyes getting bigger than their stomachs.
(Q) My cat eats too fast. When will you make a brake-fast bowl for cats?

 (A) We believe the Small bowl is perfectly suitable for your feline friends.